This analyzer computes a sequence of time averages (mean) of a scalar field over some number of dumps. Each average is done on a cell-by-cell basis. Dump files that do not exist in the range of files are not included in the average.

The sequence is an average over some specified number of dumps starting at a given dump and ending at a later dump. For instance, the average of a field over 5 dumps starting with dump 3 and ending at dump 5 will create a sequence of fields that are averages over dumps [3,7], [4,8], [5,9].

-s <simname>, --simulationName=<simname>

(string, required)

<simname> is the name of the simulation to be analyzed. The file extension should NOT be included in this text field.

-f <fieldname>, --field

(string, required)

<fieldname> is the name of the field to be averages. The dump files to be averaged will have the names <simname>_<fieldname>_*.h5.

-n, --num_dumps

(integer, required, default = 1)

The number of dumps to be included in the average, counting backwards from the last dump.

-d, --start_dump

(integer, optional, default = 0)

The dump number for the first dump in the sequence to time average. If the number is negative, then the dump number is relative to the last dump that exists.

-e, --end_dump

(integer, optional, default = 0)

The dump number for the last dump in the sequence to time average. If the number is negative, then the dump number is relative to the last dump that exists.

-Z, --compMajorC


The indexing order for written datasets. If checked, use “compMajorC”. If unchecked, use the default “compMinorC”

-w, --overwrite


Whether a dataset or group should be overwritten if it already exists


This analyzer writes a a number of VizSchema-compliant Field files on the original simulation grid. There is one generated file and corresponding dataset for each averaged field. As is the case for the computeFieldTimeAverage analyzer, the values of the field are the time averaged (mean) values of the simulation field. The output file name is <simname>_<fieldname>TimeAvgDump<D>ToDump<E>_<D>.vsh5, where <D> is the first existing dump in the average and <E> is the last existing dump in the average. The name of the dataset of the averaged field in this file is <fieldname>TimeAvgDump<D>toDump<E>.