

This particle source creates particles and adds them to a species. Each of the particles positions and velocities must be specified manually in the particle source block.

This particle source is available with all VSim licenses.

ParticleSource kind used to set manual particle generation. By specifying parameters p1, p2, p3…, you can describe exactly what particles are emitted and with what characteristics. These parameters should be specified in order, though you can specify any number of particles.

Each particle entry is a vector containing the following data:

\(x,y,z,\gamma v_x,\gamma v_y,\gamma v_z\)

Vorpal uses SI units, so positions have units of meters and velocities have units of m/s. For non-relativistic particles, \(\gamma=1\), so the vector specifies position and velocity.

To control when particles are to be emitted, use applyPeriod in combination with the manualSrc emitter. To emit particles only at the beginning of a simulation set applyPeriod = 0. To generate particles every n time steps, set applyPeriod = n.

manualSrc Parameters

applyPeriod (integer)

Positive value n, directing the simulation to apply the source at every nth time step.

applyTimes (double vector, optional)

Bracketed times for when the emitter will generate particles.

file (string, optional)

Particle data may be attached in a separate text file, as with fileDensSrc.

Example manualSrc Blocks

<ParticleSource  myManualSource>
    kind = manualSrc
    applyPeriod = 0
    p1 = [ 1.e-3  -2.5e-4 0. 7.e+10 0.0 0.0 ]
    p2 = [-1.e-3   2.5e-4 0. 7.e+10 0.0 0.0 ]
    p3 = [ 1.e-3   2.5e-4 0. 7.e+10 0.0 0.0 ]
<ParticleSource electronInitDist>
    kind = manualSrc
    file = electronDist.dat
    applyPeriod = 0